Mario Diaz-Balart tweeted the following:
"A great honor to be decorated with a medal in recognition of 200 years of diplomatic relations between the U.S. & #Colombia. I would like to thank @PinzonBueno for his effective service to Colombia during all these years."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mario Diaz-Balart:
"As Vice-Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute @TheCHLI it was my great pleasure to speak to these young, ambitious students and interns during this years Future Leaders Conference. CHLI offers vital career development and networking opportunities."Read on Twitter
"Despite the Biden Administration's laughable attempts to redefine a "recession," two consecutive quarters of negative real GDP growthhistoricallyconstitutes an economic recession, and we are in the midst of one." on July 28Read on Twitter
"Yet another tremendous loss this week. Rabbi Pinchas Weberman was a pillar of faith and strength in our community and a beloved friend to me and my family. He will be deeply missed." on July 28Read on Twitter