Mario Diaz-Balart tweeted the following:
"Fue un honor unirme a colegas en el congreso para la segunda sesin del Foro Transatlntico Parlamentario por una Cuba libre. Le agradezco a @RosaMariaPaya, @CUBADECIDE por su compromiso con la causa de la libertad de #Cuba."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mario Diaz-Balart:
"Inflation isnt just affecting food prices your summer vacation will cost more. Gas is up 50% from a year agoHotel costs jumped nearly 30%Airline fares rose 24%Vehicle rental costs jumped nearly" on May 10Read on Twitter
"The national average for a gallon of gas reached $4.37 today. Yet, as this energy crisis surges, the Biden administration continues to double down on their anti-American energy agenda." on May 10Read on Twitter
"Recent press reports say that the Biden Admin is considering easing sanctions on the #Ortega regime. That would be a betrayal of the Nicaraguan people who suffer under severe oppression. We must not make half-deals with the corrupt human rights abusers among Ortegas thugs..." on May 6Read on Twitter