City of Naples recently issued the following announcement.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARVER FINANCE, INC. (1 member vacancy) Provides oversight to the George Washington Carver Apartments. Terms: 3 years.
Average meeting time: 2 hours annually.
COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD (1 alternate member vacancy) 7-member board with 1 alternate which advises the Community Redevelopment Agency by providing public input and technical advice on land use, economic and other issues within the City’s redevelopment district, and reviews certain petitions within the district. Applicants may be business owners, property owners, or residents. Terms: 3 years. Meets 4th Monday at 9:00 a.m. Average meeting time: 4 hours per month.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (2 member vacancies) 5- member board with 1 alternate which reviews all land use petitions associated with architectural and landscape/architectural plans. Applicants may be either registered Florida architects or landscape architects or have backgrounds allowing interpretation of design and related matters. City residency is required for nonarchitects. Terms: 3 years. Meets 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Average meeting time: 4 hours per month.
EAST NAPLES BAY CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (2 members and 1 alternate member vacancy for residents within East Naples Bay District boundaries. Members must live in Oyster Bay, Golden Shores or Royal Harbor.) The committee makes recommendations to City Council on a variety of issues within this canal maintenance district such as maintenance dredging, canal cleanup, and maintenance of private aids to navigation. Terms 3 years. Meets quarterly 3rd Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Average meeting time: 1 hour per meeting.
METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) (1 City resident vacancy) The purpose of the CAC, as representatives of Collier County, shall be to advise the Collier MPO by reviewing, reacting to and providing comment on transportation planning issues and needs. The role and function of the CAC member shall consist of: assisting the MPO in the formation of goals and objectives for improving the urbanized area transportation system, conducting public information programs, providing a citizen’s review of comment on preliminary findings and recommendations of the ongoing transportation planning efforts and assists in other functions as requested by the MPO. Nominations for CAC members are recommended by the corresponding MPO Board member representing the City of Naples for ratification by the MPO Board. The CAC meets on the last Monday at 2 p.m. at the MPO Offices, located at 2885 S. Horseshoe Drive, Naples. Terms: 3 years. Average meeting time: 2 hours per month.
PENSION SYSTEM BOARDS OF TRUSTEES (1 Police Pension vacancy) Duties include administering the pension plans for General Employee, Police and Fire
Pension groups including approval of retirements, plan revisions, and investment monitoring. Terms: 2 years for Fire and Police and 4 years for General. Meets quarterly as well as in an annual all day symposium. Average meeting time: 3 hours per quarter.
PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD (4 member vacancies) 7- member board with one alternate. Reviews a wide range of land use, planning and zoning issues. Terms 3 years. Meets 2nd Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. and as needed for workshops. Average meeting time: 10 hours per month.
PUBLIC ART ADVISORY COMMITTEE (1 alternate member vacancy) 5-member board with one alternate that deals with public artwork in the City, including placement, donation, and loan of public artwork. Terms: 4 years. Meets 4th Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. Average meeting time: 2 hours per month. HOW TO APPLY To apply for an advisory committee vacancy, visit the City’s website at and submit an application online to our Boards and Committees portal. After you complete the application, click on “Submit Form.” To receive an immediate mail confirmation that your application was received, you must include your email address in the application.
Residents interested in applying for advisory committee positions may also obtain information by calling 239- 213-1015, or mail to the attention of Patricia Rambosk, City Clerk,735 8th Street South, Naples, Florida 34102.
Original source can be found here.